I'm a big Hellboy fan. I have very little patience for "decompressed" storytelling and have stopped reading many comics because of it. One of the great things about Hellboy is that Mike Mignola gives us his cool ideas quickly and then gets out of the story. (It's one of the things that inspired me to do Halo and Sprocket stories.) Combine that with his wonderfully stylized art, and you've got a true winner.
I've often wondered if anyone else has ever noticed a similarity between Hellboy and the early Doom Patrol's Robotman. Flip their eye and head colors, keep the protruding jaw and head thingies, and there are similarities. Hmmm, there are some similar never-back-down personality traits too. Mignola is the age that he might have read some old Doom Patrols as a kid. Maybe they left an (subconscious) impression on him?
Maybe not. But don't blogs exist to throw out oddball thoughts?
There might be something there.
If you posted this on The Comics Journal Message Board there'd be plenty of "swipe" and "rip-off" yelling and screaming going on.
I'll not do that then...
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