Before the
first Spider-Man movie hit the theaters in 2002, the
Kansas City Star newspaper asked a few local artists to create short strips about Spider-Man to celebrate its release. I did the one shown below, which was later reprinted in the
Comics Buyers Guide. Click to enlarge.

Since I drew it before the movie was released, I had no idea the story would include a joke about things sticking to Peter Parker's fingers. (I should also point out the shampoo commercial I referred to was much too old to use...)
This strip is a bit similar to my cruder
The Truth About Superman.
The shampoo joke worked on me, but I'm old.
On your Kal-El parody, I once saw a full-page panel cartoon of Superman demonstrating to Lois why a certain means of her expressing her affection for him would be a bad idea. It was in a Larry Flynt publication. I was maybe 15. It scarred me for life.
I'll spare the details unless you would like me to elaborate in person. Only descriptively, of course.
Oh, and yeah, if someone from the Star asks whether you have any ideas for parody strips for a certain 1960s sci-fi TV show coming to the theaters this May, and you go dry on ideas, and you need a collaborator ....
We did pretty well last time.
I never bought the whole Superman/Lois problem, otherwise Clark Kent would be constantly knocking urinals off the wall.
"Pretty well" as in Bat Smoke Signal? I agree. I'd like to draw that eventually...
I was thinking pretty well as in the Star Trek Valentine for '08. :)
hahaha very funny, I guess that everything and everyone have a comic side, thanks for share.
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