Sunday, September 22, 2024

Kirby Self Portrait. Now with color!

I adore this self-portrait of Jack Kirby (with inks by Joe Sinnott), which I recently saw online. I couldn't stop myself from coloring it! (I didn't try very hard to stop.)

Here's the original--
There's so many things to love about it-- A smiling Jack Kirby, a laughing Ben Grimm (aka The Thing), plus Dr. Doom and the Red Skull being wacky villains. So great!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Wonder Woman Glares at Power Girl!

I'm trying something a bit different—I’ve created original art of Wonder Woman and Power Girl to sell on eBay this week. It’s a riff on a famous Sophia Loren/Jayne Mansfield photo. The original art is black ink on 12x12 Bristol board. Whoever wins the art will also receive a 12x12 signed, color print.

Oh! And this is the photo I parodied--

Hurry! The auction ends on Sunday, July 21!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

As I mentioned a couple of posts ago, I've gotten behind on posting new work. The good thing about that is I can share this Scarlet Witch (done in 2023) and the Vision companion piece (done in 2024) together! Both requested by the same person. I'm told they share a wall space.

Next, the Metal Men! I crack myself up by putting Tin in a super-serious Iron Man/superhero pose, with a crinkled fist. Black ink on Bristol board, plus digital color and signed print.

It's always interesting when a person enjoys a TV show or movie and sends me a commission request to turn it into a fake comic cover. In the case, Killing Eve!

The next commission reminds me of a political cartoon. If you don't know the history of the name "Captain Marvel," just know the name became in Public Domain in the 60's. Previously owned by Fawett/DC, Marvel snatched it up. This saddened readers who had an attachment to the Golden Age character from the 40's-50's.

I'm not an expert on the subject. I merely drew the commission requested by a Golden Age fan. (And yes, the "Circle C" technically should have been a "TM." It's a bit of an oops, but I like this visual better.)

JSA Deja Vu! A few months ago, I completed a commission based on an All Star cover (seen here), with Wonder Woman added. I then received a different request to remove WW and add Wildcat. It also has a different logo and a few other minor tweaks. I completely redrew/recolored it.

Branphibian Breakfast Cereal, on stuff.

I turned this older "Branphibian" image into a TeePublic design, due to overwhelming requests. (Well, one. I get overwhelmed easily.) I changed some wording to make it an obvious parody.

Commissions! Cartoons Addition!

 OMIGOSH! I've gotten waaaay behind on posting my commissions here. I'll catch up soon!

Here's a post I started last October. Yikes!

Quick background on this first one-- When Peter Parker first met Mary Jane in Amazing Spider-Man #42 (1966), it quickly became a very famous panel. But com'on... she's no Olive Oyl!

The person requesting this next commission planned to attend a convention and meet the voice actors for Firestar (from Spider-Man & his Amazing Friends) and Sheila the Thief (from Dungeons & Dragons). It looks a bit empty here, but it won't once it's signed. I wanted the signatures to be the stars!

The person who requested it was kind enough to post a signed version. (Sorry, low res.)

In the 70's, Spectre had a comic series where he punished criminals with appropriate, bizarre deaths. The person requesting this latest commission wanted Halo (from my Halo & Sprocket series) to be looking on disapprovingly. Ha ha! Odd, but fun to do!

This last one was based on a real person-- Captain Karate! He had already had a cartoon version of himself commissioned, which I'll post below my art. Fun piece!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Commissions! Avengers! Spider-Man! Harley Quinn! More!

First up-- The Avengers! This commission was for me to draw the iconic scene from the first Avengers movie into a comic panel, but using 60's characters. I tried a grey Iron Man and a grey Hulk, but they disappeared into the background too much. I'm fairly sure Tony couldn't look up in that outfit. I had to lean him back. 😋 Here's a frame from The Avengers movie.

Next, a horizontal version of All-Star Comics #4, with three more characters added. I had to do some rearranging! If you think Flash runs funny, I just assumed he could speed-walk and still beat everyone!

A few weeks later, that commission lead to another version, this time with Wildcat instead of Wonder Woman. It also has a different logo and a few other minor tweaks. I completely redrew/recolored it!

I originally drew the following Spider-Man in a sketchbook, in black ink only. I thought it would be fun to spiffy it up and give it a color treatment. 

It is, of course, based on Amazing Fantasy #15.

Oh No! That reminds me-- I never posted this poster I did for a local comic convention! Dang. It's already come and gone. I was there. It was fun!

Next, I was asked to merely draw Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. The situation was left up to me. I might have gotten a little carried away with roses.

Here's a commission of Golden Age Wildcat. As I was drawing it, I mentioned to my wife I’ve never quite understood the flappy things hanging down from his mask. She replied, "Oh, it’s like a bobcat." Ah. Bobcats DO have them. I guess it was the black costume throwing me. On a different note, I’m not sure how I neglected to draw pants on the bad guy. Insert your own story here.

Finally, a little-seen E-Man Annual printed by DC Comics, OR my latest commissioned artwork? YOU decide!

Monday, July 31, 2023

BIG Big Bang!

I recently had the privilege of drawing an alternative cover for a Big Bang Comics Kickstarter campaign. The comic is BIG, a "treasury-size" edition (8.7" x 13.3"), full color. Read more here and please consider backing the project. More info at--

Also, I have a wacky two-page comic story inside! Below is the first panel. 

Should be a fun book!