Friday, July 31, 2020

Swamp Monster!

Not only does the comic Weird Mysteries #5 have one of the creepiest covers ever, it has Swamp Monster by Basil Wolverton inside of it. You can read it below.

But first, since Halloween is near, I thought it would be fun to turn a panel of it into shirts and such! Click here to take a look at my TeePublic store!

And now, on with our story! Originally published in June, 1953. Click to enlarge each.

Okay, even though I shutter to do it, here's the cover--


Luca Lorenzon said...

Is it just me or the title of the comic is VERY similar to the Swamp Thing logo?

Brigadier Ketchup said...

It does look like that.

Allen Francis said...

I have been collecting comic books since the early 1980s. The friends of my older brothers would give me comics like this, old-school EC horror and anthology comics but I would either neglect them or throw them away, I was mainly into superhero comics. I wish I had the DeLorean so I can go back in time. I know I had comics that looked like this that might have some value.