I've admitted I'm a Tigra fan on this site. Apparently, in current Marvel continuity, she has been abused with all sorts of unfortunate circumstances. In the early 90's I had submitted a 6 page Tigra idea to
What the..?. Marvel showed interest in it and then What the..? was canceled. End of that story. This was during the time period when John Byrne was doing
She-Hulk and Tigra wasn't being used in any comic.
I find the ending of my proposed story a bit interesting, considering Tigra's current situations. Below are my old
roughs, so judge them kindly. (Yes, I'm too lazy to actually draw the whole thing just for the benefit of my 8 readers. I did give the first panel, above, the finished treatment...) Click to enlarge.

The fourth panel below was supposed to be a boob joke.

I remember being disappointed in myself for making the obvious hairball joke, but I felt it was obligatory.

At the time, everyone was making Wolverine rip-offs, so I had to do one.

As Johnny Carson used to say, that was funny, funny stuff.
Ha! Nice. I'll never understand why Marvel (or any comics company for that matter) don't have more female staff writing the female-centered comics.
When I heard Kathryn Immonen was doing Hellcat, I was surprised it had taken that long! They should totally get Kathryn back doing another Hellcat story, you doing Tigra... um... Gail Simone doing She-Hulk... um... yeah. And so on. I'd buy 'em!
Here's the awkward part where I tell Denis I'm a dude...
Yep...Kerry is definitely a dude...that's all I'm sayin' about it. (Except for the extreme chuckle I got readin' this comment page.)
Hahahaha!! No wai! Oh, man! I can't believe I walked right into that! Shoulda done my homework. I guess I just jumped to the (completely wrong) assumption based on the name. D'oh! This is what happens when I have a friend with the same first name, I just don't consider the possibility that it works for either gender. Hope I didn't insult you too much!
And I've been reading for ages too. You'd think I'd have picked up on it.
Still, I stand by my conviction that there should be more female writers in comics. The only thing this new revelation changes is that you're not invited to the sexy party I throw once my genius is realized!!
Don't sweat it, Denis. Probably half my readership/reviewers think I'm female. I've thought about having my wife go to some conventions for me, just to keep the confusion alive...
Just as I was reading page four, my 2 cats started fighting up on the window sill. It was pretty dramatic and a nice coincidence.
Anyhoo, funny story. Really reminds me of the mid90's sensational she-hulk comics, which I think is what you were going for.
Tigra is so sexy, she is the kind of heroine everybody wants as a wife, I mean, just look at her, she has all, and you know what I mean..
I thought it very cute and amusing. With the current success of Harley Quinn, it may be time for Marvel to re-consider a cute, goofy version of Tigra. Maybe you should pitch it again?
Crazy that the "You may not know my name because I'm not featured in any books" is STILL true today as it was then. Great story and art. Would've loved to have added this to my collection if things would've turned out differently for What The...
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