I have a lot of stuff in my basement. I found a
Captain Action & Action Boy comic that came with the action figures in 1967. It's wacky seeing them change into well-known heroes. I'll post it in three parts over the next three days.
The book is a long, skinny one. It's essentially a regular-sized comic cut into thirds, which is no doubt how they printed it. Hope you like the expressions on the aliens faces. It's the only one they have the entire 32 pages.

Click on any image to enlarge. I've taken the liberty of stacking the even/odd pages together.

It doesn't identify the "World's tallest mountain." I like it when comics don't try to teach me anything.

This was the 60's, so Batman (TV star) gets the first superhero appearance, and more pages than the other charaters.

Check out
Part 2 for
Captain America,
knives, and
I LOVED my "Captain Action" doll...er..action figure!! (Who cares that he had more outfits than Barbie.) I'm trying to remember how many costumes I managed to whine out of my parents: "Superman", "Batman", "Aquaman" and I vaguely remember the jet pack that was featured in the comic book.
Can't wait for the next installment of "Adventures in Marketing with Captain Action!"
Back again...here's a link to the original 1966 toy commercial for Captain Action on YouTube:
And of course there was Captain Action's SILVER STREAK, his Amphibian Car! (which I was fortunate to have:
Fun link, Warren!
Rich, the Silver Streak shows up in part 2...
Huh... Captain Cosplay?
The only reason my dad would have asked to see my Captain Action would have been so he could toss it out the window before he kicked my ass for playing with dolls.
Okay, that's not quite true. He would have used the doll to beat my ass.
Ha! Your dad sounds like my dad. I only had a CA because my aunt and uncle got me one...
Get ready- Captain Action is coming back in March 2012! www.CaptainAction.com
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