Friday, November 25, 2011

Animated Comic Covers!

I'm not an animator, but I still thought it would be fun to animate some famous comic book covers. Amazing Spider-Man #33...

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1...

Okay, this next one isn't famous, but it was screaming to be animated. Justice League of America #6...

And finally, Iron Man #128...


Richard said...

This is nothing less than awe-inspiring. Utterly brilliant.

Mr. Santana said...

I like them a lot and posted your link in places for other people to see.

Kerry Callen said...

Thanks for using a link, instead of just "taking" 'em. :)

Kes said...


Lou Anders said...

These are wonderful.

Simon B said...

These are fantastic! Love Tony Stark with the DTs!

Thanks to Richard B for pointing me in your direction.

Philip A. Buck said...

Brilliant and beautiful! Some of the best gifs I've ever seen!

Anonymous said...

fantastic work!

zhinxy said...

These are FANTASTIC!

Warren Ludwig said...

More terrific stuff from your unusual brainpan. Love these!

Richard J. Marcej said...

They all remind me of the original Marvel animated cartoons from the late 1960's. I can "hear" John Vernon's voice right now coming from Tony Stark's mouth...

Matthew Milo Jackson said...


Four Color Promises said...

Amazing work as always.

arlen schumer said...

How did you do these, Kerry?
--arlen schumer

Kerry Callen said...

Thanks for the nice comments, everyone!

Arlen, I did them all in Photoshop. There's an animation feature that lets you create GIFs. Of course it takes cutting the image apart into layers, then doing some retouching/drawing.

Harpo said...

Very cool. But that Spiderman one is really freaking me out with all that water pouring in and in and in...

Anonymous said...

amazing stark alcholic sh*t

Tarambana said...

Amazing! Good job!

I like your blog, very cool.

Desilu500 said...

These are great! more more more! :-)
Thanks for doing!!

Anonymous said...

Love them. Love to see X-men cover animated. Sharing with link.

hot blood said...

moer please!!

Steve Buccellato said...

Those kick ass, Kerry! Love the Iron man one! HA!

Angelo said...

Fantastic work!

Bosch Fawstin said...

Very cool

Jotham Stavely said...

BRILLIANT! sharing link...

Social hermit said...

Incredible! I must share your link! MORE! lots More!

Michael Nelsen said...

SUCH a great idea, dude! Awesome! Bravo! More!

M said...

SUCH a great idea, dude! Awesome! Bravo! More!

Cathy and Dave said...

Dave sez,


I will now spend the afternoon staring slack-jawed and drooling at the monitor -

Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnnd - go:

Anonymous said...

The Iron Man seems accidentally goofy. But the others are TRULY awesome!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love them too i would have to agree iron man does look goofy kinda a bobble head thing going on ha. I was expecting the water pour down his face the drink flowing off the table and maybe just a little shake

DOuG pRATt said...

Whatta blast! Super fun. Please do as many of these as you're inspired to do!

Regarding using a link vs. taking, I use a Web hosting service for my blog, and I prefer that somebody take the files they want. I could edit the .htaccess file to prevent hotlinking, but I don't.

James Robert Smith said...


Jim Ryan said...

I like most of these, though I think the shakes on the IRON MAN cover are a little over-pronounced. If he were moving a little slower and/or not moving around so far off center; the way he's moving now I expect him to reveal he's Barry Allen going undercover at Stark Industries...

Anonymous said...

You have to do the Incredible Hulk #1 with him transforming from Banner to Hulk! That'd look beautiful! Great, great work!

Kerry Callen said...

For the record, I wanted the Iron Man cover to be a little goofy. It's the reason it's last, as the "punchline". You see three cool covers and then a silly one.

I tried versions where he's rolling his eyes and sweat moves down his face, but the areas were so small, it didn't really work. I think the "shakes" are slower (less funny) on the internet than my computer, but whadaya gonna do?

MrCachet said...

It looks to me from the comments that your Funnies have gone pretty close to viral.

Anonymous said...

Viral indeed! I just saw the link on my Facebook page. SOOOOO neat!!!!

Mario Benenati said...

WOW, troppo carine queste copertine animate. grazie ---- WOW, too cute these animated covers. Thank you

Gianluca Bona said...



Erick Vinícius said...

Very cool!
I posted in my blog (brazilian) and linked you

Sturby said...

These are great. Good job, sir!

Anonymous said...

we want others!

Anonymous said...

I love this comic covers. Thanks for sharing them.

Fumettopenia said...

So Cool...i try to do take a look:

jabladav said...

followed this to acme comics in greensboro nc. Great work! more please!

Anonymous said...

great work! enjoyed it a lot!

John Garrett said...

Dud. this is ridiculously cool!

Unknown said...

This is amazing. With a lot of comics going digital these days, it would be great to see cover animations like this actually make it into future production of comics.

Michael Eury said...


Absolutely amazing! Don't be surprised if publishers start doing this on their digital editions.

BTW, thanks again for allowing your "Super Antics" to run in Hearing Loss Magazine. Hopefully you liked the issue and my article.

Michael Eury

CC said...

MORE! :)

Gernot said...

Bravo! I just joined your page, and I'm gonna leave a link on a message board I moderate! :)

Great work!

Rock Golf said...

Can you animate the first page of Fantastic Four #51 "This Man, This Monster" with the Thing standing glumly in the rain?

Harrod said...

You're gonna have to do some fast talking to justify that "I'm not an animator" comment.

Troy Hickman said...

My flabber is quite gasted....

Matt Hawes said...

Wonderful job and great fun!

Unknown said...

So the question now is: When can we see more?

Anonymous said...

When looking at the axis of the wheel on the "wheel of misfortune" cover, it looks like the wheel was spinning in the opposite direction. nice illusion.

mgaffn1 said...

wow - this really WORKS!

Godzylla said...

Brill! More!

achiappanza said...

Great job! I posted a Facebook link to here. I am most transfixed by the Spidey.

SwanShadow said...

I long for the day when every comic cover is animated like these. Fantastic work! I've shared a link via Facebook and Twitter, so that others can enjoy also.

Eliza Frye said...

Awesome! I especially love the Dark Knight Returns. Tweeted! :)

Brad Foster said...

Hey Kerry, came here because of a couple of links to your animations people posted in Facebook. Great stuff, and after looking at only the last few entries, realized this was one blog I would HAVE to follow. Looking forward to looking back through your older postings for a while!

Wesley said...

Please keep doing these!

Moerandia said...

Stupende! :-)

Keith said...

These are incredible, great job on an original idea! Can't wait to see more!

Al said...

You've caught lightning in a bottle with this one! This is fantastic. I'm all of a sudden imagining what all the classic covers would look like animated. Action #1, Batman #1 spring immediately to mind. The really cool creepy ones would be EC Comics!

Tommy! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tommy! said...

I can't pick a favorite one, they're all so GREAT!!



Aaron Ludwig said...

Very cool. Thanks for sharing!

Bill Alger said...

Wow! Love these.

Illegal Foreign Object said...

Well done. These are fantastic!

Kirk Chritton said...

Everyone who likes Kerry's animated covers should buy his Halo and Sprocket books. They're every bit as brilliant as what you see on his blog.

Kevin Agot said...

Very very cool. Looki g forward to more!

Podium Joe said...

Absolutely love it! Super work!!!

Anonymous said...

Now show the Justice League vomiting.

anthony t w myers said...

wow, this actually is giving me the urge to read those comics. thanks for the inspiration, you have just started something, btw.

Anonymous said...

Gotta say that I am totally impressed. Sure, it isn't a huge technically challenging concept, really, but just the idea of doing it, along with very good execution of the task makes these absolutely incredible.

Great job!

(And don't get me wrong. When I say it wasn't all that technically challenging, I'm not being insulting. I couldn't do anything even remotely as good.)

Sutherlin said...

These are amazing! I am posting this directly to our blog. We have a weekly podcast with free episodes. Check it out if you get a chance.

Benny said...

Saw a link to your Animated Comic covers from FaceBook. Great job!

Rick Diehl said...

Simply brilliant.

Really nice work

Frits said...

I can only repeat what already has been said many time in the comments: i think it is brilliant idea and worked out very good! You make my day!

Carlos Z said...

Kerry, is there anyway you can give a short tutorial on how you did the spiderman cover? I would really love to learn how to do something like this!

Anonymous said...

Wow!Comic revolution...

Rubber Onion said...

These are simply amazing. The Spider-Man one was my personal favorite. Did you have to recreate much of the art in the non moving portions of these pieces or was it just meticulous cutting?

OPN! said...

AWESOME job!!!


Anonymous said...

Welp, these put to shame the ones I did a few years ago.

My hat's off to you. Keep up the excellent work.

Anonymous said...

More please !

excelent !

Smashing said...

Ha these are excellent, I really like the Spidey one, great stuff, very cool.

Anonymous said...

Awesome stuff! Nicely 'shopped!

Anonymous said...

Definitely add a tutorial when you get a chance. I would love to see how you separated and modified the elements.

lafemmeflaneuse said...

these are brilliant! well done! I tweeted the hell out of your blog link this morning! I am unshamed of this.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for doing these - they are incredible what a brilliant idea.Simple and brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely exquisite! I posted the link in a few places.

You need to make more of these!

skaps said...

hey, cool, thank you very much for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

WOW , they are amazing and so cool! you have talent :)

and look, you are kind of famous XD

in december 2.


Paul D Brazill said...


Eduardo said...

Very inspiring. Can you imagine if HQs used those on tablets? Congrats!

rawrnosaurous said...

Comic vine led me over here to your great animated covers.

Anonymous said...

sharing on Google+. great work!

Screedler said...

Reposted your Iron Man gif over at

Dana C. Kabel said...

very cool indeed. hope you do more of them.

Randall said...

Completely awesome. I wish I had the skill to do more!

Conor Quinn said...

These are fantastic. I passed them on and loads of people loved it. I hope the extra traffic inspires you to make more!

Eyz said...

They all look so amazing!

fantastic work^^

Anonymous said...

More! More!

Jaina said...

Proof that created animated gifs should be considered as an art. Beautiful and creative stuff!

Andy T said...

WORD! LOVE the JLA one!

Teflon said...

Utterly Brilliant! Ive got to re-post/link this! Will you do any more?

Martin O. said...

Really amazing work!
With the rise of digital comics, this actually may become a new way to do covers. You are on the cutting edge.

The Wicked Lady said...

Awesome. Especially the Tony Stark DTs

spitandspite said...

agreed, awesome stuff. Minus the oddness of the masturbating Tony Stark, though it still pretty enjoyable. Say you're doing more.

Suivez le nuage said...

Fantastic job!

John Wiswell said...

Snorted at the Iron Man one. The Final Chapter of Spider-Man is quite good!

Anonymous said...

As others have already commented, no doubt this is probably how some hybrid comics will look like soon enough.


laura said...

Super cool, especially Spiderman!

Unknown said...

More! More!

Unknown said...

More! More!

Derrick Scooby Canyon said...

This is so Cool! nice Job!

Jason Atomic said...

That Iron Man cover is fab! makes me want to see EC's SHOCK SuspenStories 12 (The junkie one)

gillesboverod said...

Wooow, these covers are really amazing and beautiful, I love !!!

Webster said...

I liked them all..amazing!!


Guilherme Calvelli said...

I want more! Nice job :D

Sabadaba said...

Whoa. If you switch your brain around the Justice League cover can spin in either direction.

cease ill said...

My hat's off, Kerry. May I suggest Avengers #276? I've been writing about that run and its themes over on I believe I've seen "The Final Chapter!" converted into an avatar on IMWAN; now I know from whence it came! I've visited your blog many times-- I recognize your robot (and now, your name)!

Portland SEO said...

Those are amazing comic covers. How did you do that?

Josh Blair said...

Nice work, Kerry. I just saw these made it on Mental Floss:

DLeonard said...

Kerry --

Awesome. I nearly did a spit take when I saw the Iron Man cover. Brilliant!

Trindade. said...

Very cool! Perfect *---*
More, please!!!

RJDiogenes said...

I must add my compliments. These covers are fantastic, and you underestimate your talent as an animator. I certainly would not mind seeing more of these. ;)

Anonymous said...

These are great, would love to see more.

How did you make them?

thebrandnewcolony said...

hope it gets the recognition it deserves. Definitely very inspiring work...Hope you don't mind that I posted at my blog...
If so I will remove it..Again hats off!

zombob said...

So very COOL!!!!!!

packers and movers jalandhar said...

nice one

hayfamzone said...

Kerry, I like what you've done so much I had to write an article about it in my blog, and I definitely linked back to yours. In my little write-up I showed three other covers that I feel lend themselves to this treatment and my daughter tells me she is going to tackle one of them herself. To be continued! The Hayfamzone Blog is over at

Anonymous said...

Huge, gigantic flaw ! Only four ???
Please, provide more.
Human Race.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

All truly excellent. But those saying the Stark animated nightmare withdrawal cover is goofy or silly obviously have no clue. That cover captures the nigh indescribable, surreal hell one has to pass through should one be so ill-fated. It may seem exaggerated but everything is exaggerated in that carnival of horror. It's pretty spot on.

dsc said...

I think that the DK one would look better if the jump motion was slower, perhaps even the lightning itself could last longer. Not necessarily "slow motion" though, albeit it could be cool to, but much harder to do.

Cool and funny overall.

pedro lameda said...

que bueno, ha veces resulta increible todo lo que podemos hacer sobre lo ya hecho, La verdad es que se disfruta mucho de algo tan cerca ha todos. gracias por tu arte

Tom Crielly said...

These are just brilliant - i will twitter your page and post some links to it. Great stuff!

Beno said...

I was watching ep 3 of Comic Book Men and the Justice League #6 made a cameo about 5 minutes in. Thought immediately of your blog.

Unknown said...

that's amazing!

TuKuLkA said...

Very cool! More please !!

Steve Brown said...

I absolutely love these! Do you plan on doing anymore?

Kerry Callen said...

Maybe. I love doing them, but I have so many others things I also want to try...

bobdraw said...

Love your art and blog-- great work!

Cristiane Oliveira Moreira said...

It´s wonderful.

Todd Merrick Novak (aka beanlynch) said...

I'd love to see what these look like if you'd upload them...

Kerry Callen said...

Oops, sorry about that. When I first posted these, blogger didn't support gifs, so I had 'em linked from another place. Fixed now.

Anonymous said...

This is by far some of the absolute most cool and amazing work I've ever seen on the whole entire Internet since the dawn of time.

Contact said...

thanks for these. I was thinking of making one for the silver surfer, my nom de plume. Do you have any suggestions on your workflow? I am pretty good in photoshop and fcpx, I guess that is where I would start.

Contact said...

OK, here is my first attempt:

Kerry Callen said...

Contact, fun! I like the wink at the end.

Allen Francis said...

Love the way you animated these covers. I have almost half of these comics saved in a comics binder that I use to look at the covers of comics I cherish.