Monday, November 29, 2010

What if DC published 1970's Marvel characters in the 1960's?

As a follow-up to my recent post where I imagined DC published Marvel characters in the 60's, I thought I'd twist it up a bit and create fake covers using 1970's Marvel characters. Just for fun. Click on 'em to enlarge.

I'm sure this will confuse non-comic fans even more than my last post.


Miguel and the Detroit Wolverines said...

haha, these are so great! so true, also. i love "ghost ghost rider" nice job.

Anonymous said...

I love "Ghost Ghost Rider."

Richard said...

Everything about the Ghost Rider cover works. It may be the most note-perfect Silver Age parody ever.

It feels like the Heroes for Hire cover is missing one extra twist of Schiff or Weisinger style insanity to really put it over the top. Something like "You mustn't try to help us! The two of us must stay together for 24 hours or THE CITY WILL BE DESTROYED!" Or "But you have a date with each of us girls tonight! WHICH WILL YOU CHOOSE TO GO OUT WITH?" Or "Not only are they merged into one, they also have the super-powers of all the Avengers!"

Kerry Callen said...

Richard B, I agree 100% with you. As I was drawing it, it felt too lean. I wanted to add an alien plant transforming them, or something, but I gave myself a deadline of finishing it yesterday. You can't rush art, I suppose.

I do like, "My Brother, Myself." I think it plays into the racial themes DC explored in the late 60's, early 70's.

Jon said...

Oh man am I digging these.

Unknown said...

I'll tell you this right here. I am giving serious thought to having Monkey Ghost Rider tattooed on me.

Web Behrens said...

Richard's onto something about amping up the Power Man/Iron Fist cover, but it's still great. "My Brother, Myself!" = genius.

And Ghost Rider's 80-page Giant? Pure awesome. Monkey Ghost Rider! I love him. His nemesis was Jetso Ace, evil aviator gorilla.

Anonymous said...

Wow, these are fantastic, Kerry. I think I like these even better than the first two!

Hayden said...

More! More! A second (and third, fourth, fifth...) encore!

Joshua Kahan said...

This is hilarious :)

Daryl Pinksen said...

Your parodies are dead-on.'Nuff said.

katz said...

Mrs. Ghost Rider's hair is looking fine, and I love her skeletal lipstick.

More, please!

Anonymous said...

Just saw this and thought of your post:

Kerry Callen said...

That's one of the covers I looked at while creating the GR art. Crazy, great stuff!

Cease said...

What a perfect distillation of styles, Kerry! I came by after searching 1970's Marvel blogs, and did not expect such a scintillating Seventies twist! The Power Man/ Iron Fist one deserves props, as your Ghost Ghost Rider and company seems to have stolen the show.

Robert Carnegie said...

There are some actual Marvel events worthy of similar treatment, and in some cases they may have received it. I'll let someone else seek out covers for issues where May Parker is about to marry Doctor Octopus, where Spider-Man grows a spider's quota of limbs, the X-Men have a leader with no mutant powers (Storm, and I'm thinking Legion or PS238 rules) and admit Magneto and the White Queen as members, Shadowcat goes phantom "permanently", twice... and Captain America fighting the guy who turned out to be the 1950s cloned Captain America, or something. By Byrne, yeah?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely perfect- scary real!

R. Maheras said...

Haha! These are GREAT!

I did something similar back in 1993 when I drew this illo titled, "What if DC published the Shadow in 1960?"

Unknown said...

this stuff is HILARIOUS! i laughed out loud at "ghost ghost rider"!!! you are a genius! someone posted them on a facebook comic book group page... what i was wondering is how you managed to photoshop them so well? as a graphic artist id love to see some of the process...

Raye said...

I come to this from the far off future of 2019, and found it funny that 2 of the Ghost Riders have since come to pass. sort of.

Not exact, but... close. Marvel also did Teen Ghost Rider with a Dodge Charger, so, you know.

Anonymous said...

Bravo! Robot Ghost Rider is brilliant with light bulbs for the flames!