What exactly does that feel like? I had to emphasize how silly it is by creating my own version. He still thinks it, but he's wrong. What a goofball!

Check it out on Coveredblog.blogspot.com. Look at more covers while you're there. It's a great site.
I'd always thought that the original cover would have been more effective if the Flash had a big hand up his ass (and, in a way, it would be a nod towards John Wesley Shipp)
Maybe I should have done that. (Judging by some of the responses on Covered Blog...)
I have to say, the Flash is the only superhero for which I can think of no situation I would say "Thank goodness the Flash is here!"
The only superhero? Somewhere, Aquaman is smiling.
Well, if I was drowning in the ocean, Aquaman could get a dolphin or whale to rescue me. I would be able to say, "Thank you Aquaman, if you weren't here, I would have drowned!"
But as for the Flash... I cannot honestly think of a single situation where that would be my response. Sorry, Flash old buddy...
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