She-Hulk has green blood. It drove me a little crazy when Greg Horn painted many She-Hulk covers, during Dan Slott's great run, that gave her red-rimmed eyes. To me, she merely looked like a red-blooded girl painted green.

That may be why the green-skinned woman in the newest Star Trek movie looks merely painted to me too.

I'm just saying.
As often happens, you've given me yet another thing to ponder that I otherwise would not have.
I have always had much the same issue with Vulcans in the Star trek universe. They also have green blood, yet visible blood vessels in the eyes as well as their mouths and tongues are always red or pink. The fact that it is illogical to assume pink blood vessels in a green skinned Vulcan adds to the irony.
You're right. They should hire green skinned actresses. That's completely speciest.
she hulk is the worst character form the marvel universe, I wonder why Stan created this silly character.
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