Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Commissions, Comissions

 If you're one of my two readers, is it better for me to have my artwork in individuals posts, or should I group a few together? Like this--

I was asked to create Power Girl and Firestorm as a "flirty buddy cop duo." Tried my best.

Batman vs. Killer Moth, inspired by Dick Sprang's art style. It's nice that Killer Moth shows Batman what a cool animal costume can look like!

Here's (a version of) my take on the original Phantom Lady #17 cover, from 1948. It is well known to comic book historians. First of all, the cover is by Matt Baker, a fantastic artist who was one of the few black comic creators back in the day. Second, the provocative image is one of the things that helped the US government crack down on comics in the 50’s, leading to the formation of the Comics Code Authority.

Here's the type of commission I always enjoy drawing-- Taking a fairly obscure character and creating a vintage pin-up, pretending they were popular! Black ink on Bristol board, plus digital color. If you're interested in a commission, please shoot me an email, seen in the right column.

Oh! And I've also recently created a portrait of a couple! 😁


  1. Separate posts and multi-posts both work,, whatever's easier for you really. Love seeing your stuff, esp the great parodies!

  2. I'd say shake it up and sometimes do a single drawing, and sometimes do a group! I loved seeing these.

  3. Either way works for me. I read in feedly and it shows the entire post and all the pics.

  4. I'll read whatever you put up. So glad to see you thriving!

  5. whatever floats your boat. Just enjoy seeing your work.

  6. I would say single commission with lots of infos, as usual, but this post shows that multi-subjects work fine, especially when they are linked somehow. Seems I am your 7th reader ;)

  7. Your Phantom Lady cover might have gotten you jail time back then, or at least a stern talking-to by your editor. The artists back then were really playing with fire back then, judging by the original cover.

    All nice posts today, showing different styles. I especially like Silver Age homages, being of that generation. Whether you do a pic dump or space out the posts makes no difference to me as long as you keep 'em coming. Thanks so much for the work you do!

    1. Thanks! I think the editors in the early 50's ASKED for sexy drawings!

  8. Wow, three "back thens" in my post. Is there an edit option on this board? (Sigh)

  9. Huge Dick Sprang Fan, he never drew the Moth so it's nice to see it in a version of his style. Great content.

  10. I like them grouped. But either way!

  11. This post with multiple artworks is like a sugar rush! I love it!

  12. Just stumbled upon some if your work and had a very good chuckle at the golden age humor. Do you ever venture into the 30th century?

    1. Legion? Not yet. They're not as ingrained in me the same way other characters are.
