Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You better watch out!

I've completed another Christmas parody cover, written by Chris Simms, for Comics Alliance. You can check out the finished version by clicking here! It's more exciting than my b&w version below...

If you don't follow comics, then the parody won't make much sense. It's a take-off of the recent, over-the-top comic, Suicide Squad.

(Oh! As I type this, I suddenly want to do an over-the-top comic called Suicide Squid! Okay. Nope. The moment's past. Thank goodness.)


  1. Suicide Squid has a long history, at least in terms of the internet and comics:

  2. You sir are endlessly talented and it never ceases to be a pleasure visiting your blog and seeing your work.
    I look forward to all the new goodies in the year ahead - happy holidays and a happy new year!

  3. i've always been a big Suicide Squad fan and i've been following the new series so i do get this cover spoof. there's a Suicide Squad blog site that would have been good to feature this on in December:
