Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Part-Time Jobs of Super Heroes

It's been a while since I've posted art that wasn't my own. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. Today I ran across a magazine in my basement that I didn't even realize I owned, Crazy #22.

Crazy was published by Marvel Comics starting in 1973 and ran for 10 years. It was obviously their answer to MAD magazine. 

As I flipped through the issue in my basement, I came across a four page article titled "The Part-Time Jobs of Super Heroes." That's probably why I had once bought it. I have always loved superheroes and humor featuring superheroes. I did a quick computer search to see if anyone had ever posted it online. I didn't find it, so I decided I should be the one!

The feature was written by Tom DeFalco and drawn by Murad Gumen. It's weird that all the characters are Marvel rip-offs except for a single Flash parody. It's also weird how some of the captions rhyme, while others don't. 

Anyhoot, for shines and giggles, The Part-Time Jobs of Super Heroes--


  1. I see a Wonder Woman parody, too!

  2. Wow, a Captain Nice sighting.

  3. Oh! Right! Wonder Woman. Duh. I thought all the non-Marvel characters (like Captain NIce!) were all in one panel.
