Sunday, July 30, 2017

1,000,000 BC Ghost Rider

Anyone remember when I did some fake "What if DC Published Marvel Characters" cover art? I thought I was being silly drawing a caveman version of Ghost Rider.

But now Marvel is coming out with a 1,000,000 BC Ghost Rider!

So now I feel silly for trying to be silly.


  1. No, they should feel silly for not trying to be silly yet being silly anyway.

    Or if they actually were trying to be silly, they didn't do a good enough job of it. And I tell you what, I doubt they could manage Half Luke Cage/Half Iron Fist the Composite Hero for Hire any better, and certainly nowhere near as good as the original.

  2. Dude, your Ghost Ghost Rider joke is still one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

  3. you can't out stupid stupid, in this day and age anyway...

  4. Ha ha. You guys are making me laugh.

  5. Future Ghost rider and Robot Ghost rider: Ghost Rider 2099
    Mrs. Ghost Rider: Alejandra Jones and What if Barbara Ketch had become the Ghost Rider?
