Friday, May 7, 2010

Cross Panel Comics #3

For an explanation of Cross Panel Comics, click here.

This is the last of the original three we created. I think we were getting tired as we did it. I accidentally drew eleven squares across, plus a couple of the jokes seem to duplicate each other, and the space isn't filled very well. Nonetheless, there are things about this one I like. Martin kicked it off with the strip starting with, "One small step for man." Click to enlarge...


  1. Oh quit complaining... this's one's FUN, too! In the comedy world, that repetition stuff is called a "call back" and it usually gets a bigger laugh the second and third time around. Besides, I've always enjoyed variations on a theme. Thanks for posting this. I enjoyed it despite the disclaimer.

  2. You have to see this:

  3. MC,

    There's a link to the site in my first "Cross Panel" post comments, as well as a link to a decade-old Scott McCloud idea. I did a search before posting, but the phrase "domino" comic never occurred to me.

    I actually love how easily information comes to the forefront in blog comments. A couple of months ago, I used it purposely while asking what type of Top Cat toys I owned, or what obscure super-hero appeared on an old Valentine card. I hit pay dirt both times!

  4. Trevor,

    Thanks, glad you liked it! I agree that repetition builds humor. I didn't know it was called a "call back".

    For me, however, part of the challenge of the Cross Comics game is to NOT repeat similar jokes with similar panels. It makes it harder and more fun! Personal preference, I'm sure.

  5. Oh, this thing is brilliant! Is this concept yours or can anyone do this? I'd love to try it sometime.

  6. Oops. My bad--I should have scrolled down a little further. ^_^

    Still, could I try this some time? With proper credit of course.

  7. Ah! I haven't read the commments of the first one!

    The Beleleu's guys will make magnets with their "domino's pieces".

    There is another domino produced by L'association They do also a "scroubablle"

  8. Jim D.,

    Of course you can try it! Everyone should. It's great creative exercise.
