Monday, February 22, 2010

A Cover With Impact

I recently ran across the cover to Lois Lane #119. It caught my eye because of the nice energy in the characters' poses.

Of course, after seeing it, I had to change Superman's dialog.


  1. Now there's a cover that belongs on!! Well, your edited version at least. I wonder if Superman is worried about not getting to her on time, or not having enough time to slow her decent instead of snapping her to a halt? I can't imagine that he'd have trouble covering the distance shown in the cover image...

    Maybe he just hates Lucy...

  2. The artwork is really awesome, looks like Dick Giordano's work but I could be wrong, any info on the artist name?....

  3. ...I've just google it up, the actual artist was Bob Oksner.
    Love your blog BTW really great stuff! Keep up the great work. Cheers,
